a. On-shore Drilling
    -. Conventional
    -. Fast Moving
    -. Heli-transportable
b. Off-shore Drilling
     b1. Bottom sea supported
- Submersible -Swamp
- Barge
- Jack-Up
- Platform rig
- Self contained
- Tender assisted b2. Floater
- Semi-sub
- Drilling

- Maximum Operating Water Depth
 Bottom sea supported
- Platform rig (150 - 200 m)
- Jack-Up (150 m)
- Semi-sub and Drilling ship (Anchored) (1000 - 1500 m)
- Semi-sub and Drilling ship (Dynamic pos.) (3000 m)


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I hope this website you can found any that you are looking for specially for the RIG information.
This blog all contains rig information and can be increased your knowledge specially for the offshore structures.

Greetings from MY.


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